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Jazz Festival > Program > ONDREJ KRAJNAK

Wednesday, March 20, 2024 ● AASSM Small Hall ● 20.30
Ondrej Krajnak, piano
Born on March 1, 1978 in Levice, Slovakia, and coming from a musical family, Ondrej’s first experiences with the piano date from a very early age. At the age of six, he was already playing classical music and participating in various competitions for young talent. When he was ten years old, he heard jazz music for the first time. He became so fascinated by this sound that in the same year he took part in the Young Jazz Artist competition - Jazz Fest Zilina, where he was awarded the title of Discovery of the Year.
In 1992 Ondrej began to study at the Erkel Ferenc jazz academy in Budapest (HUN) under the supervision of professor Robert Ratonyi. During this period he entered various musical competitions in Europe, such as the Jazz contest in Poland, where he won a special award, or the Jazz piano contest in Hungary, where he was awarded best artist in the “solo piano”category.
After successfully graduating he won a scholarship for Berklee College of Music in Boston, but instead of accepting it he started his active carreer. He quickly established himself on the European jazz scene and became one of the most respected musicians. His exceptional musicality transcends various genres, styles and formations. He has recorded over 40 albums and performed at numerous concerts all over the world. 
In the arena of jazz music Ondrej began his long term collaboration with phenomenal saxophone player Radovan Tariska. They played together in various formations, whether it was the bebop oriented “Hot House” project with Juraj Bartos, the big band led by Matus Jakabcic, or the Radovan Tariska Sextet. Together, in the rather uncommon duo of piano & saxophone, they recorded the outstanding album “Elements”, which was nominated for Jazz Album of the Year and received enthusiastic reviews from home as well as abroad.
Similarly acclaimed was Krajnak’s collaboration with another great saxophone player, Ondrej Stveracek, - both his studio debut on the Stveracek Quartet’s “What´s outside” , or the live recording “Jazz at Prague Castle”. Other recordings were also well-received, - such as “Slovak Jazz Trio” with legendary drummer Dodo Sosoka, or the live recording with the Feco family.
The more experimental side of Ondrej’s jazz has been introduced in collaboration with Oskar Rozsa in his Quartet, and in the fusion-oriented recording “Partnership Unlimited”.
Wednesday, March 20, 2024 ● IKSEV ● 13.00
Ondrej Krajnak, piano


ONDREJ KRAJNAK - Program - Jazz Festival | İKSEV - İzmir Foundation For Culture Arts And Education