Jazz Festival > Tickets
Call Center: 0 850 755 55 55
Ticket online: www.biletix.com
İKSEV Main Box Office
A.A.S.S.M 232 247 80 03
Karşıyaka Pan Bookstore
1713 Sokak No:17/AB Karşıyaka / İzmir
(Working hours Weekdays and Saturdays 10:00 - 19:00 / Sunday Closed)
Ticket Information
All concerts are 1000 TL., 500 TL., 300 TL.
Discounted Tickets: 300 TL.
Teachers, students, retired and over 60 years old
(limited seats and specific section)
Group Reservation
%10 discount* for the groups of 20 people.
Tel: 0 232 482 00 90 / 106
* Group reduction does not apply to discounted tickets.
İKSEV reserves the right to make alterations to the program.